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Exhibitor Focus: Gentian

Exhibitor Focus: Gentian

Measuring urban green infrastructure through AI and remote imagery.

Gentian is a software platform built by specialists in urban green infrastructure and AI engineers keen to meet the challenges of climate mitigation and biodiversity preservation.

When we talked to local authorities and landowners, we kept hearing the same stories. People wanted to install green infrastructure, like green roofs, as a form of climate adaptation. They wanted to monitor the quality of installations, ensuring planning compliance and value for money. And with the introduction of Biodiversity Net Gain just round the corner, they needed to measure sites over time.

The problem was that manual assessments were slow, difficult and expensive. They were inconsistent, causing headaches for planning officials measuring compliance. And with demand skyrocketing, there was a shortfall of qualified experts in all three markets.

We worked with the European Space Agency to build tools to do the job remotely – from space. Gentian can detect, identify, and classify green roofs, identify and map green and biosolar roof retrofit opportunities, and remotely monitor urban green infrastructure using AI and remote imagery.

In a recent project we turned around the biodiversity assessment of a large area in under 24 hours. We’ve also worked with councils like Hammersmith and Fulham to map and classify green roofs, highlighting retrofit opportunities in critical green corridors and pinpointing locations that mitigate the urban heat island effect.

Standing at the crossroads of the AI revolution and the drive to make our urban spaces more resilient to climate change, we will continue to innovate in order to provide decision makers with meaningful data that enables a better understanding of our natural world.

Find out more at or come and meet the team at stand L80.

Register FREE for Public Spaces Expo here!

LI: @gentian-lt


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